Toys of the Seventies, Rockum Sockum

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I think it was called rockum sockum. A blue and red boxers fighting each other.
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Darrin - June 25, 2010 - Report this comment
They were called Rockem Sockem Robots. One was blue and one was red and the fought in a yellow plastic ring. Each boxer was controlled with what looked like what a pilot uses to steer a plane - two handles with buttons on the top of each handle you pressed to make the robot punch. When you hit the other robot just right his head would fly up. You pushed it back down into place and then go at if again. It was an awesome toy. The heads eventually stopped locking back down and the base cracked and it stopped working.
darrin - December 14, 2010 - Report this comment
I have one like new forsale>714 743 1978

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