Toys of the Seventies, Playgrounds, Dangerous

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Blacktop surfaces, teeter-totters, concrete tunnels and towering skeletal jungle gyms (not "playscapes") constructed entirely of metal ... Ah, to be a young playground dweller in the 70s (and much of the 80s, too) was to truly take one's life into one's own hands. Ever seen Kramer vs. Kramer? I need say no more.
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crazy amy - October 20, 2008 - Report this comment
MAN!,you aint kiddin'! i used to play on the most dangerous playground as a child (in my little purple poncho with the pompoms on it).our school had it all jungle gym about 3 levels high with an extra little tower on top of that- a huge slide(metal)teeter totters of DEATH,run and push merry go rounds,the swings were wooden and tall.its a wonder we werent all killed what with that and no car seats or safety belt laws. wow im glas to be alive.

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