Toys of the Seventies, Open Sesame Game

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This was one of my all time much so that at 41 years old I can hardly remember it! I believe the base of the game was a brown shaped mountain and when SOMETHING happened, the door would open and all the beautiful glorious jewels would come spilling out. Did anyone else on the face of the planet have this game?
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The following are comments left about Open Sesame Game from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

Gloria g. - October 05, 2015 - Report this comment
Yes, I did have this wonderful game when I was younger. I even remember the night my parents bought it for me at Toys r us over 40 years ago.i wish I could find it so I could buy it.
Rob Lambert - October 06, 2015 - Report this comment
Based on the classic "Ali Baba/Forty Thieves" story,Open Sesame (Ideal Toys) was one of those speed games, in which the toy jewels were placed in cave, according to spinner. Then, players dropped marbles into the mountain top. At random, the cave door opened and the winner collected the jewels. This came out in 1972, but too late to be displayed in the department store catalogs for that year. With all the components, this game probably cost $5 to $6 originally. The cave door may have been propped with a spring and a catch.

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