Food of the Seventies, Red Apple Shasta Soda

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It was red soda that was cool supposed to be apple flavor I think back to how I used to crave that
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User Stories and Comments

The following are comments left about Red Apple Shasta Soda from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

Tom Baker - April 26, 2009 - Report this comment
I used to live in a fraternity in college. It was a pathetic place and one of the most pathetic occupants was a guy we called Big Ed. He had a bench press in his room and he would "lift some weights" and then come down to dinner and announce, boy did I "lift some weights" (great empahsis on the lift part). I was so thirsty I drank 2 red apple sodas. Since he was a simpleton, this elicted gasps of amazament of those who wished to goad him along, "No, Ed. Not two whole sodas, you must have really lifted a lot of weights". Ed would beam and repeat if necessary.
Rocky - December 05, 2012 - Report this comment
I used to drink Red Apple Soda all the time. My littlesister was 4 years old at the time and she would get out of bed to come in the living room and drink my moms Red Apple Soda. She would never say a word. Then she would go back to bed.
Gary Jackson - April 29, 2014 - Report this comment
Walking though the woods in Bryson City, NC, I found an old "tin" can that was very rusty but could make out that it was a Shasta Red Apple Soda. On the lid it said "Please Don't Litter" and "Dispose of Properly". The aluminum can I am now drinking from says nothing like this! Make you wonder about things then and as they are today.

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