Food of the Seventies, Giggles and Laughs

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It was what they called it before they changed the name to Captain Crunch.The cereal was no longer available in the mid 70's.
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Chomper01 - September 06, 2011 - Report this comment
I think the cereal you're referring to is: "Grins and Smiles and Giggles and Laughs". It was made by Ralston Purina Company, and named after the four animated characters shown on the box cover)who were running a ceral factory, and trying to get a machine - like robot to laugh in order to make him make the cereal. It was a sweetened cereal made from the same stuff as Cap'n Crunch; but was shaped into spoon-size little happy faces. I used to eat this ceral for breakfast around 1976 - 1979. They were yummy! :D

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