Toys of the Seventies, Which Witch Game

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Anyone rememer this one? It was a game featuring witches and ghouls in a cardboard haunted house. I remember there were stairs in it.
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The following are comments left about Which Witch Game from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

Mark - September 14, 2007 - Report this comment
I loved this game; sort-of like a haunted house mouse trap. The characters were Ghoulish Gerty, Glenda the Good, and Wanda the Wicked.
RolyPoly Bear - February 10, 2008 - Report this comment
All I could remember about this game was it was 3 dimensional stand up cardboard and that there was a ball (a "whammy ball") that you dropped down a chimney, and there were kid gamepieces and the witches could turn you into mice, and a staircase.
jersey_devil - June 15, 2008 - Report this comment
Yes, I played it a lot. You were one of the kid game pieces and you could get turned into a mouse somewhere along the line by a spell card from one of the bad witches I think. Glenda the Good could change you back to a kid. And yeah, the whammy ball would drop down the chimney and knock you over (could take one of many paths) in one of the rooms and send you back to a designated starting point. My friends and I had a lot of fun with it.
Betsy - September 08, 2009 - Report this comment
I swallowed the whammy ball and scared my mother to death as she was sure I was going to get lead poisoning. Of course, it was steel so no lead poisoning. I remember her calling the doctor and talking to him on the phone. Can anyone imagine calling the doctor on the phone nowadays?! Everything came out ok in the end, which you may take quite literally but we had to use a marble for the whammy ball ever after hehehehe
Darcey - May 08, 2010 - Report this comment
I loved this game. I was recently explaining to my 6 year old niece about this game. I found pictures on ebay....and you can actually purchase the game for a mere 75$...cough...cough. She was enthralled by this game, wish they still made it!!
theresa - August 07, 2010 - Report this comment
I loved the game which witch,sad but true as a child I was in foster care and my foster parents gave me this game for a child i could not play this game enough. one of the happy times in my life as a i'm an adult ,i only wish to find this game't it funny how some things stay with you
Stacey - September 06, 2018 - Report this comment
This was my favorite childhood game and the one I remember the most. I loved being a child in the 70's.
Rob Lambert - September 06, 2018 - Report this comment
eBay has several copies of Milton Bradley's Which Witch game. Complete ones sell over $100 now. Much assembly was needed, with many parts which could be easily lost. Came with steel ball, four mouse markers, two boy and two girl markers, three card decks (three different witches). Instructions printed on inner box top.

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