Toys of the Seventies, Slinky

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Remember watching these long springs walk down stairs in the TV commercials? I was never able to get them to do that. They seemed to enjoy getting kinked up instead. Deadpan comedian Steven Wright had one of the all-time classic lines: "I met my girlfriend at a department store; she was selling perfume, I was putting Slinkys on the escalators."
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The following are comments left about Slinky from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

Marly - September 10, 2009 - Report this comment
Played with mine all the time. Loved to watch it go down steps. It's amazing that some guy made millions from a googly bedspring. That's what's great about America.
Rob Lambert - June 09, 2015 - Report this comment
The Slinky spring toy was another of those timeless ones which first came out shortly after World War 2 ended. For 53 years, Slinky was manufactured by James Industries (family company). Slinky was advertised more in print media in the early years, not on TV until 1962 with the famous jingle. Department store catalogs began showing Slinky starting in 1946. The original sold for a dollar until about 1974, then the price started rising, to the tune of six dollars or so today.
Rob Lambert - September 26, 2017 - Report this comment
In a copy of Leroy Comics from 1949, found a half-page ad for slinky, where readers could order them by mail, for a dollar each, to James Industries in Philadelphia. Along with silver, these also were in red, green and blue. Leroy (Standard Comics, publisher) was a short, six-issue series of teen humor, which emulated Archie with screwball, slapstick situations not seen in today's drab comics.

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