Toys of the Seventies, Crazy Foam

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came in various designs, batman for one. was used in the bath to make designs and help wash.
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The following are comments left about Crazy Foam from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

young people - September 27, 2010 - Report this comment
whats is this really ?
Chomper01 - September 05, 2013 - Report this comment
What it was is soap foam (like shaving cream) in a can. You pulled the cap off, pushed the top (just like you do with shaving cream), and lather up a bunch of foam; making foamy sculptures, foamy mustaches and beards,and foamy hair designs. Kids could even smeared themselves with the stuff while bathing; and it washed-off with bath water. They made this stuff because toddlers and kids used to grab their dad's can of shaving cream, and smeared it all over their bodies. LOL :P
Rob Lambert - December 24, 2017 - Report this comment
Crazy Foam canned soap first came out in 1965. Original company was American Aerosol. In the mid 1960s, Colgate-Palmolive had about three dozen cartoon character bath soap bottles, which became toys when soap ran out. They were called Soakys. American Aerosol acquired rights to DC and Marvel superhero for its first run of Crazy Soap, which proved solid competition for Soaky. Colgate discontinued the Soaky brand in 1967, as licensing agreements expired with the cartoon producers. Sales of Crazy Soap fell by 1970, and the company didn't want to pour its assets into licensing fees for new characters. The Schyller Company revived Crazy Soap in the early 1980s, with Smurf soap among the new characters Crazy Soap still exists today, with superhero characters.

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